Six Star Magazine Six Star Magazine Winter 2011/2012 | Page 12
Running from May 20 to October 10, 2011,
Ishikawa, at the opening of the exhibit.
“Japan: Tradition. Innovation.” was a vibrant
“We believe that the innovative spirit of our
showcase of Japanese culture staged at the
citizens is a crucial resource for our rebuilding
Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC) in
and this exhibition will showcase Japan’s
Gatineau, Québec, just outside our nation’s
Subaru 360
creativity in action.”
Capital. The museum is Canada’s largest and
“Japan: Tradition. Innovation.” focused
most-visited cultural institution, welcoming
on five themes — travel, robotics, status,
over 1.3 million visitors per year. The CMC
consumer culture and entertainment — to
and its sister institution, the Canadian War
explore how the parallels and distinctions
Museum, are key centres for the collection,
between the traditional and the modern
research and public information on the social,
periods play out in the lives of individuals.
military, human and political history
of Canada.
The museum regularly creates and presents
During this particularly dark period in their
country’s history, the resilience and enduring
spirit of creativity of the Japanese people
exhibitions about world civilizations. This
are needed to help Japan rebuild. In this
particular exhibit came about after close
respect, the timing of the exhibit — which had
collaboration between the CMC and the
been in the planning stages for years — was
National Museum of Japanese History in
unintentionally appropriate.
Sakura, Japan. The devastating earthquake
As a company with innovation and
and tsunami experienced by Japan on March
Japanese identity built into its DNA, Subaru
11, 2011, threatened to impact the show,
Canada, Inc. was especially proud to be the
but representatives from both organizations
presenting sponsor of “Japan; Tradition.
agreed that going forward as planned sent a
Innovation.” The exhibit represented an
strong message.
important way for Canadians to show their
encouragement from the world, Japan will
soon stand strong again,” said the Ambassador
of Japan to Canada, His Excellency Kaoru
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support for friends, family and colleagues
in Japan.
To visit the virtual version of this fascinating
exhibit, check out their website below.
Photos: Ataras Svarstys
“We are confident that, with the warm