Sitting Pretty December 19, 2013 | Page 11

Al Capone: America's Most Wanted

By:Rachel Smith

Al Capone is one of Chicago's most infamous people.Known for running gambling houses, horse tracks, speakeasies, and even the distribution of alcohol Al Capone will not stop until he is running the reckless city of Chicago. Al Capone uses different tactics to achieve these goals, like blackmail,money bribes, and physical attacks.

Al Capone has yet to be caught due to his great alibis, and why would he want to get caught when he is making a substantial amount of money? The amount is said to be about $100,000,000. Also he is said to be working with the mayor of Chicago, this could possibly be how he goes about selling, and doing all of these illegal things, without getting caught. With a huge group of spies looking after him it appears that it will take him a while to get caught and sent to prison. He is a very quiet public figure, but we hope that we will hear more information directly from him in the future.

A newly discovered image of Al Capone.