Presentacion - Presentation


mos nacionales e internacionales.

Acabamos de celebrar la V Asamblea de la Familia Trinitaria en Ávila; aprovecho por ello la oportunidad que nos ofreció Fr. Pedro Aliaga en su conferencia, para subrayar que la Asamblea nos ha ayudado a recuperar la conciencia del compromiso hecho en Asambleas precedentes como la de México (2005). Los Institutos finalmente se han decidido a designar delegados para la Comisión Central del SIT, les damos la bienvenida y que el Señor fortifique nuestro trabajo común.

Fr. Thierry KNECHT

Presidente General del SIT

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Dear Friends,

It is a joy to present to you the layout of the new quarterly digital magazine of the general office of SIT (International Trinitarian Solidarity). We hope that it will have a long life in the service of providing information, information concerning the millions of Christians who suffer abuse or who are persecuted because of their faith in Christ.

The year 2011 is an important year for our organization as I recalled at the fifth Assembly of the Trinitarian Family in Avila. The interventions of the Magisterium on behalf of those Christian communities who do not enjoy freedom or their rights have increased significantly. We believe that peace cannot be established without religious freedom as noted by Pope Benedict XVI in his message for this year’s World Day of Peace (January 1, 2011).

This journal can also be an echo of the activities of the various branches of SIT spread throughout the world. For this, it relies on the cooperation of all of those who, in one way or another, work on behalf of and or pray for the situation of persecuted Christians.

This journal will seek to be the first to voice concerns of the Trinitarian family but also from national and international organizations that cry out about the suffering of so many of our brothers and sisters in faith.

We just celebrated the fifth meeting of the Trinity Family in Avila. rebounding on the presentation given by Fr. Pedro Aliaga, at my invitation, the meeting regained consciousness of its commitment made at previous Assemblies such as Mexico (2005). Some institutes have decided to appoint delegates to the Governing Council of SIT. We welcome them and pray that the Lord will strengthen our work together.

Fr Thierry KNECHT, O.SS.T.

President, SIT General