SIT GENERALE SIT GENERALE gennaio 2012 | Page 25

Extraits de l'intervention du Vatican à l'OSCE


respect for religious freedom. This situation is unacceptable, since it represents an insult to God and to human dignity; furthermore, it is a threat to security and peace, and an obstacle to the achievement of authentic and integral human development” (n. 1). There may be more than two hundred million Christians, of different confessions, who are in difficulty because of legal and cultural structures that lead to their discrimination. Last September’s Meeting in Rome on the theme “Preventing and responding to Hate Incidents and Crimes against Christians” was a successful and hopeful event, and revealed the possibility of constructive dialogue toward mutual understanding and respect among Christians, members of other religions, and nonbelievers. The Holy See appreciates the outstanding work that was done under the Lithuanian Chairmanship to combat intolerance against Christians. It is the desire of my Delegation that these efforts be continued. In encouraging participating States to report hate crimes against Christians, I would like to express the hope that more follow-up to the Rome Conference will be forthcoming, especially in our discussions with our Partners for Cooperation. The celebration of an International Day against persecution and discrimination of Christians might prove to be an important sign that Governments are willing to deal with this serious issue (…).

Son Excellence Mgr. Dominique Mamberti

Secrétaire pour les relations avec les Etats