SISTEMAS Y CONSTEXTOS EDUCATIVOS 06.-Chango Mashu Nayely Leonela | Page 40

40 Table N°2: Recreational Areas Infrastructure and equipment of the school Yes The school has green recreational areas. The school has sports courts No X X Source: Observation Card No.2 Recreational areas Green recreational Areas 0% Sport courts 100% Green recreational Areas Sport courts Figure N°1: Recreational Areas Created By: Carrillo Erick, Copo Nicole, Chipantiza Mnadelyn, Chango Nayely The observation Card N ° 2 mention that Las Americas School only have one sport court, however, although it is a recreational area the space is very limited for the students. Even though Las Américas School has schedules for the use of the only sports court. It is considered that space is limited. Because the students can’t respond positively to opportunities, challenges and responsibilities in the society moreover of that the kids don’t showed enhanced enthusiasm about learning. 40