SISTEMAS Y CONSTEXTOS EDUCATIVOS 06.-Chango Mashu Nayely Leonela | Page 36

36 Experts say that outdoor learning is quite beneficial to students because it makes them healthier and happier, and they do better academically. The various benefits include:  Students who get to experience an outdoor learning environment tend to be more attentive and, therefore, have a better recollection of the information that was shared.  Consistent exposure to nature decreases stress and anxiety, helps elevate mood, and helps with emotion.  Children often have too much exposure to digital screens via televisions, computers, and cell phones. This can result in a “nature deficit disorder,” which may lead to obesity and possible psychological and academic issues. Outdoor learning allows students to put their focus back on nature.  Outdoor environments naturally inspire children to be more physically active.  Exposure to bright sunlight found in nature is also healthy for vision. Bright sunlight is necessary for the eyes to develop properly, lowering the risk of nearsightedness.  In outdoor settings, children are more motivated to work together in groups, which can improve their social skills. They learn to manage conflicts, communicate, and cooperate with their peers in a more effective manner.  Outdoor learning provides children with hands-on experiences in nature. Most children learn better by using their senses. Outdoor environments provide the perfect place to do this. Instead of viewing different types of plants or wildlife on a computer or TV screen, they can see, smell, hear and touch them in nature. Students can even start a garden and grow fruits and vegetables, which may have them wanting to sample their harvest. These hands-on experiences cultivate a love of nature and get 36