SISTEMAS Y CONSTEXTOS EDUCATIVOS 06.-Chango Mashu Nayely Leonela | Page 30

30 not everyone maintained the same affinity or possessed the same views that is why we tried to respect the different criteria. Without a doubt, the most important advantage of teamwork is the distribution of activities to be carried out in this way does not concentrate all the work in one person, besides economizing time. 4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK RECREATIONAL AREAS DEFINITIONS The term recreational areas and facilities means "free spaces within educational institutions where students can relax their mind even for a moment. (Parra, 2015). This space allows education to be non-routine. From a legal point of view, recreation is part of one of the mandatory and fundamental areas of basic education. As a sociocultural practice this corresponds to the various recreational and creative manifestations of societies and as an educational practice. (Recreational Areas and Facilities Law and Legal Definition, 2015). To create an educational unit, it is necessary to obtain several permissions where they present rules that must be fulfilled in their entirety. Recognition of the importance of recreation in the school takes over the twentieth century after numerous studies particularly in Evolutionary Psychology, Constructivism and Psychoanalysis that highlight the role of play and creativity in human development. (Sanchez, recreation in the school enviroment , 2016). These studies in turn have a significant impact on the flexibility of teaching-learning methods and in the pursuit of achievement for educational and citizen training purposes. 30