SISTEMAS Y CONSTEXTOS EDUCATIVOS 06.-Chango Mashu Nayely Leonela | Page 29

29 Consequently, the students have to share the same area because there aren't recreational areas where each level of students can do their activities. There could be the possibility that some student gets hurt ochers, especially the nursery students when they are at the same time. This is an issue, so that, there is not enough space in the classrooms too. (annex 2). The term recreational areas and facilities mean “indoor or outdoor parks, buildings, sites, or other facilities that are dedicated to recreation purposes and administered by public or private nonprofit agencies to serve the recreation needs of community residents.” (Legal, 2016). There is a very important relationship between the conditions to promote coexistence and the student desertion in those educational centers that present greater opportunities for affiliation to artistic and sports groups, spaces destined for recreation. The playground is an educational space because the game is essential for the growth and healthy development of people, as well as a powerful educational tool. At an educational level, environmental recreation fosters the development of skills and knowledge for recycling, care of resources, etc. There are a few multifunctional spaces that present alternative uses. (Chaves, 2014) According to expert’s recreational areas is a place that should serve as a recreational purpose. There is a very important relationship between the conditions to promote coexistence and the student desertion in those educational centers that present greater opportunities for affiliation to artistic and sports groups, spaces destined for recreation. Since teamwork goes beyond a simple grouping of people, it is important to emphasize what this reasearh is trying to maintain which is common ideals, goals, goals, and purposes. This way the odds of success would be relatively high at the time of achieving what was expected to be achieved. the same way, it should be noted that it was decided to reach a consensus because 29