Single Mother - WOW (Women of WIll) Single Mother - WOW (Women of Will) | Page 9

Pressure of remarriage. Its sad but there aren’t people around to take social and financial security of a widow with children. Hence, many widows are pressurised to marry again so that they may have some fi- nancial security with a new partner. However, being a strong headed woman my mother wasn’t willing to give the security of her children to a man who she didn’t know. He further added “Shunned from festivities.” This still brings tears in my eyes. My mother wasn’t al- lowed to be present in any import- ant religious ceremonies. In fact when her own brother was getting married she was asked to sit aside while the wedding rituals were in process. I retaliated and ensured that she was sitting next to me while me or my sister got married. Widows are respected as individ- uals with an identity of their own that is not solely attached to the man they marry. I have seen plac- es where a woman is as good as a living corpse once her husband passes away. It saddens me deeply. They say that a women leads a life of renunciation once her husband dies. Like a wait for the day that she dies as well and gets to join her husband. She is told that this fate has befallen her due to her bad karma. Without wanting to skirt on femi- nism, I must say that it is unfair that a man never compromised on his life should his poor wife die early No make-up, no expensive ward- robe. A widow is supposed to dress as sober as she can. She was fond of silk and zari saris while she grew up. Though beautiful, she still loved to wear a lipstick and light makeup. All of that weren’t allowed. Howev- er, when I became the man of my house, I ensured she wore what she liked and was comfortable. She now wears western outfits as well when we travel abroad for holidays. And we are living a very happy life now. 9