Single Mother - WOW (Women of WIll) Single Mother - WOW (Women of Will) | Page 8
“M y mother was a widow when
she was 30! Generally women these
days get married at this age. Nev-
ertheless I have a real account of
problems she faced and how she
coped was the real challenge.”
We took an interview of a son
to know the perspective of him
that what they actually think
of their single mother’s life.
On asking about the elaboration of
her mother’s journey he says, My
mother was taken for granted by
almost everyone- her parents, her
in laws and siblings. And if we talk
about financial security, My father
passed away leaving my mother pen-
niless. I have seen her saving every
single money that she could earn so
as to ensure financial stability to her
children. The main problems faced
by indian widows are they are not
allowed to
wear colour
full dresses
after their
are they given
much free-
dom and are
then they are
considered to
be a burden
by their in-
laws or by
their parents.
The widows
are not even
allowed cos
metics not
even a bindi
she can wear.