Simply Elevate March 2014 | Page 24

But writing was different. I have all these stories of myself as a reader, but not as a writer. I didn’t realize until just recently how long I have actually been writing.” It wasn’t until a recent move that she found herself unpacking boxes and rediscovering journals, composition books, and binders full of her own writing. “It was truly startling and rapturous all at once.” What she discovered was short stories that ranged from one page of childish scrawl to fully illustrated chapter books as well as songs and poetry. “It was such a great feeling to know that this thing has been in me my whole life…this passion to create using the written language. For me it was a sort of confirmation.” Photo by Derek Palmer MUA/Hair: Andreia “Glamstatus” Tameka Insightful and creative... Photo by Dreamfiendzmedia Remember the name MD Marcus. Insightful and creative, her words are captivating and leave you wanting more. Get to know MD Marcus better by connecting with her via: Facebook - Pinterest - 24