Simply Elevate March 2014 | Page 23

Meet writer MD Marcus Story by: Anita Purnell Photo by Dreamfiendzmedia This month’s cover girl, MD Marcus, will be the first to tell you she’s no model. “I’m a writer,” she clarifies, and as a staff writer for both Simply Elevate Magazine and PBSNet, she enjoys interviewing artists and profiling local hot spots. In addition to these articles, she is currently penning a memoir that touches on both losing her sister to an aggressive and merciless cancer and also on the struggles maintaining mental stability. Ultimately, she attests that poetry is her first and truest literary love. On writing poetry, MD Marcus describes an inner conflict to find a balance between learning and refining the technical skills of writing and the rawness and purity of emotion and creation. “I was given advice from a noted writer, publisher, etc. who also happens to be a particularly brilliant, pun intended, human being. Alan Brilliant once told me that ‘what fundamentally makes a poem good is that it shakes something inside of you.’ That’s what poetry, and writing in general, does for me- it shakes something inside of me, it makes me feel that I am not alone, it’s completely magical. That’s what I hope to give to other people someday, a feeling that someone else has been where they’ve been, walked where they may find themselves walking, to make them hold up this ordinary object and view it in a way they have never seen it before, and to feel a little less alone. I also know that I write because I sometimes find it difficult to express myself verbally. Writing is a way for me to get all of the things going on inside of me out and to try and make sense of it all.” When asked where she is from, she hesitates while debating how to answer the question. “Kind of all over.” She explains that she was born in Wheeling, WV but has no recollection of the town or state because her parents moved when she was still an infant. From there, she moved to her mother’s home, Kentucky. Relocating again at age 4, she found herself in Grand Rapids MI until the age of 11. “This was the place I was saddest to move from,” she reminisces. After Michigan, she’s lived in several cities in North Carolina, before finally settling in Raleigh. Although MD Marcus never quite felt at home in any one location, she’s found solace in books which were a source of consistent companionship. “I made friends with librarians everywhere I moved,” she jokes. This passion for books was evident since childhood. “I can look back through the years of my life, and I know I’ve always had a deep love and appreciate for books. I have vivid memories of the libraries I visited in my youth and the feelings of wonder and infinite possibilities while browsing their rows of bookcases, of the bookstores I would walk to whenever I was lucky enough to have money of my own to spend, of faking sick to stay home from school just to read the newest Babysitter’s Club book, of playing ‘library’ during the summer and challenging myself to read at least 100 books over the break...really I could go on all day and make myself sound like the biggest nerd in the world! 23