Celebrating Love
A childish love is one that
spans across all spectrums
of life without condition,
restriction, or judgment!
Their innocence is one that
permits them to experience
a situation whether positive
or negative for exactly what
it is without thought of any
implications, illusions, or
In life we go through several changes and always
rationalize the aspects of
life that don’t fit our schemata. However, life has a
way of teaching us the path
we need to take based on
the composition of our essence to reflect who we are
today. We strive to fulfill this
feeling deep within us; to
amplify our essence through
various avenues believed to
bring completion of our aspects into a powerful force
of purpose. Recognizing that
purpose is the driving force
we identify in each moment
of elation reminiscent of the
way we felt as children. The
negativity that attempted
to embody our lives is shed
in moment’s reality that we
simultaneously receive love
while doing what we love.
Purpose and love surface for
all of us towards the end of
the year mainly around holiday time because we strategically place ourselves in
environments that revitalize
the child in us. Causing our
spirits to become refreshed
and rejuvenated through t