Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 9
Two Types of Goals: Worldly and Final
Two types of goals need to be decided. The first is that
you have to live your life in such a way that no living being is
hurt by you. You have to spend your time in the company of
those who promote the attainment of the Self (satsang) and
vicinity of good human beings, and avoid bad company
(kusang) as much as possible. This should be the aim. And in
the second goal, if you happen to meet a living (pratyaksh)
Gnani Purush (One who has fully realized the Self and is able
to impart the Knowledge of the Self to others; attain Self-
realization from Him), then remain in His satsang. With Him, all
your goals will be accomplished and all your puzzles will be
solved (and one will attain liberation).
So what then is the final goal of a human being?
Liberation (moksha) should be the only goal. You do want
liberation, don’t you? For how much longer do you want to
keep on wandering aimlessly? You have done only this for
infinite lives. You have not left any place to wander. Why did
you have to suffer such endless wanderings? This is because
you have not known your true identity; you have not known the
answer to “Who Am I?” Should you not know your real Self?
Despite the extensive wanderings of countless lives, you do not
even know who you really are. Is making money your only goal
in life? Should you not be making some effort towards your
liberation (moksha)? A huma n being can indeed become a
God, the absolute Self (Parmatma). To attain one’s own
“absolute Self” is the final goal of a human being.
Two Stages of Liberation
Questioner: Ordinarily, by liberation (moksha) we
mean release or freedom from the cycles of birth and death.