Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 10
Dadashri: Yes, it is true, but that is the final stage of
liberation. It is the secondary stage. The first stage of liberation
is where you experience a sense of freedom from inner turmoil
secondary to worldly problems and miseries; one experiences
indifference towards any worldly pains. In the midst of suffering
imposed upon you by others or external factors (upadhi), you
experience freedom from suffering and experience the bliss of
the Self (samadhi). That is the first stage of liberation.
The second stage of liberation (permanent moksha) is
attained when all the karma are completely exhausted (settled)
and this is freedom from the cycles of birth and death. The first
stage of liberation (moksha) should be attained here and now.
I experience this first stage of moksha all the time. Liberation
should be such that even while one lives amongst the worldly
things, one remains unaffected by them. Such a stage of
liberation is possible through Akram Vignan (the spiritual
science of the stepless path to Self-realization)!
Attainment of Eternal Bliss through Self-realization
What do all the living beings (jivas) search for? They are
looking for happiness, but the happiness is short-lived. People
go out to weddings and to the theater for entertainment, but
their misery returns again. When unhappiness follows happiness,
how can you call it happiness? It is the happiness of delusion.
Happiness should be permanent. This is nothing but temporary
happiness; an imaginary happiness. What is every soul (atma)
searching for? It is looking for happiness; happiness that is
eternal. People believe, “It (happiness) will come from this or
it will come from that. I will buy this. I will do that, I will build
a bungalow, then I will be happy. I will buy a car, then I will be
happy.” They keep on doing this but no happiness comes their