Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 60
it as a settlement of your past account. Nature brings all the
evidences together in order to settle a past account. If a woman
keeps antagonizing her husband, even then it is nature’s justice.
The woman herself is bad but she is under the impression that
it is her husband who is bad. Nevertheless, the entire situation
is nature’s justice.
The hard-earned money is of this life, but there is also the
account of the past life. One has pending accounts. Without
such accounts nothing can be taken away from him. No one has
the power to take anything away, and if anything is taken away,
it is because of previous accounts. No such person is born in
this world that is able to do any harm to anyone. Nature is
regulating this precisely.
From the Effects, One Can Determine the Cause
All this is a result. Just like the results of an examination.
If you score ninety-five percent in mathematics and twenty-five
percent in English, would you not be able to deduce from these
results where you made mistakes? Likewise, in life we can
determine from the effect or outcome of things what the causes
were for our mistakes. The results reflect our past causes. All
the events that come together are results, and based on the
results we can deduce the cause behind them.
A thorn is lying upright on a roadside where many people
walk every day. Many pedestrians use this path, but the thorn
does not hurt them. One day you hear someone yelling, “Thief!
Thief!” You are barefoot and you run outside to see what is
happening and accidentally step on the thorn. This happens
because of your account!
If someone hurts you, you should accept it and credit it
to your account. You only need to credit that which you have