Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 59
Nature Is Always Just
Nature is always just. Not even for a fraction of a
moment has it been unjust. Justice that prevails in law courts
may be unjust at times, but nature’s justice is always exact.
If you accept nature’s justice and understand that,
“Whatever has happened is justice,” you will attain liberation. If
you question nature’s justice, you will invite puzzles and
suffering. To believe that nature is always just is called Gnan
(real Knowledge). To understand things “as they are” is Gnan
itself and not to understand things “as they are” is ignorance
Wars, conflicts and dissension in the world are a result of
people’s pursuit of justice. The world is entirely in the form of
justice. It is futile to look for your own justice in it. Everything
that has happened and everything that is happening is itself
justice. In their search for justice people have established laws
and courts, but they are foolish to assume that justice is found
in them. One should simply “see” what happens. That is justice.
Justice and injustice are the effects of the accounts from our
previous life, but people attempt to link their idea of justice with
the account of this life. And in doing so, they end up in the
courts and exhaust themselves.
If you insult someone, and they in anger insult you back
several times, you may consider it unjust but you should regard