Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 21
Questioner: Only a goldsmith.
Dadashri: Yes, a goldsmith can separate the gold and
the copper because he knows the qualities of both of these
elements. Similarly, a Gnani Purush knows the qualities of the
Self and the non-Self and so he can separate the two.
The gold and the copper in this ring are in the form of
a mixture rather than a compound. The goldsmith, therefore,
can easily separate the mixture. Similarly, the Self and the
non-Self are in a mixture form and not in a compound form,
which is why it is possible to extract one element from the
other. If they were in a compound form, it would not be
possible to separate the two. Neither the qualities of the Self
nor the qualities of the non-Self would have been found, while
some completely different quality would have been found. It
has only become a mixture.
The Gnani Purush: The Greatest Scientist of the World
The Gnani Purush is the greatest scientist in the world
and, therefore, he would know how to separate the two. Not
only can he separate the Self and the non-Self, but he destroys
your sins (paap), gives you the divine vision of the Self
(divyachakshu), and gives you the total solution of “What is
this world all about? How does it run? Who runs it? Etc.” He
solves all this for you and that is when your work is completed.
When merit karma effects (punyas) of millions of
lifetimes awaken, that is when you can meet and connect with
a Gnani Purush; otherwise, how are you going to meet and
connect with a Gnani Purush? You will have to recognize a
Gnani Purush to attain the Gnan (Self-knowledge); there is
no other way. A seeker will always find the Gnani Purush for