Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 20

Self-realization cannot be attained by one ’ s own efforts . All the saints and ascetics would have done so if it were possible for a person to do it on his own . But this is a job of the Gnani Purush only . The Gnani Purush is an instrumental in the process for it .
Do you not need a doctor for medicines or do you make them yourself at home ? How particular you are in such matters that you may die if the medicine is not prepared properly . Whereas when it comes to matters regarding the Self , people mix their own “ tonics and remedies .” They prepare the mixture by reading the scriptures and interpreting them through their own intellect , without the understanding from a guru , and they drink it . God has called acting according to self-guided will and intellect swachhand . This swachhand has caused deaths of countless lifetimes , whereas the other will cause death of only one life .
Instant Experience of Liberation through Akram Gnan
The Gnani Purush is now here and present with you so you will attain the path ; otherwise , many people think about it but are not able to find the path or they get onto the wrong path . Once in a while , on an extremely rare occasion , there will be a Gnani Purush around . You can attain Gnan and experience the Self from Him . Liberation should be experienced here , instantly , while in this body . This is possible through Akram Gnan .
Only a Gnani Purush Can Separate the Self and the non- Self
For example , this gold ring contains a mixture of copper and gold . Who do you think will be able to separate the gold from the copper ?