Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 15
For that, you will need the Gnani Purush. I will separate
everything for you. Thereafter, You will continue to experience
“I am pure Soul (Shuddhatma).” You should be able to
experience that. Besides that, I will also give you the divine
vision (divyachakshu) with which You will see the Self (Atma;
Soul) in every living being (atmavat sarva bhuteshu).
How Can One Know “I”?
Chanting-Penance, Vows and Disciplined Rituals
Questioner: Are penance (tapa), vows (vrat) and
disciplined rituals (niyam) necessary or are they unnecessary?
Dadashri: All the medicines that are available in a
pharmacy are necessary, but they are necessary for other
people, and you only have to take the medicine that you need.
In the same way, vows (vrat), penance, disciplined rituals, etc.,
are necessary. There is nothing wrong in this world. There is
nothing wrong with penance or chanting. Everything is correct
according to each individual’s viewpoint and expectation.
Questioner: Can a person attain liberation through
penance and rituals (kriya)?
Dadashri: Penance and rituals will beget fruits for you
but not liberation. If you plant a neem seed, you will get bitter
fruits and if you plant a mango seed, you will get sweet fruits.
Whatever fruit you want, plant accordingly. The penance for
liberation is different altogether; it is internal penance (antar
tapa). However, people believe that what they do externally is
penance. And such penance, which is visible outside, will not
result in liberation. Such visible penance will beget effect that is
pleasant and helpful to the mind, speech and body (punya). To