Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 14
this, separate the “my.” Keep all that comes under “my” to one
side. For example, “my heart”; keep your heart on one side.
What other things do we need to separate from this body?
Questioner: The feet and all the sense organs.
Dadashri: Yes, the five sense organs of perception
(gnanendriyas) and five organs of action (karmendriyas),
mind-intellect-chit-ego, and everything else (chit is the subtle
component of vision and knowledge in the inner functioning
instrument called antahkaran).
Then do you say, “my egoism” or do you say, “I am
Questioner: “My egoism.”
Dadashri: By saying “my egoism,” you will be able to
separate that too, but you are not aware of other components
that fall under “my.” That is why you are not able to do a
complete separation. Your awareness has limitations. You are
aware of only the gross (sthool) components, beyond which
there are subtle (sookshma) components. The subtle components
also need to be separated, after which there are two more levels
of subtlety, subtler (sookshmatar) and subtlest (sookshmatam),
which also need to be taken away. Only a Gnani Purush is able
to achieve a separation at these subtle levels.
Is it not possible to separate the two? If you keep on
deducting “my” from “I” at every step and level and put all the
things that fall under “my” on one side, then what will remain?
Questioner: The “I.”
Dadashri: That “I” is precisely what You are. That is the
“I” that you need to realize.