Keep your weight in check
Can I keep or regain my balance?
Though there can be many factors why our balance decreases
with age, much of this decline is simply due to inactivity. This
can usually be improved with training, which involves improving
overall upper and lower body strength, along with challenging
your balance system daily.
A good online source
is the video “Exercises
at the Kitchen Sink” (by
the Chatham-Kent Falls
Prevents Coalition), which
can be practiced standing,
or even sitting down:
The more weight you carry, the more stress to your
joints. Every pound you lose equates to four pounds
less pressure on your knees.
Have you heard of the term
motion is lotion?
Our joints (shoulder, knees, and hips) are
cushioned by cartilage, synovial membranes
around the joint and a lubricating fluid
(synovial fluid) inside our joints. As we age,
joint movement becomes stiffer and less flexible
because the amount of lubricating fluid inside
the joint decreases and the cartilage becomes
thinner. Without movement the synovial fluid
can become thicker but the more you move the
more lubricated your joints will be.
– With contributions by Lisa Connelly,
Certified Fitness Instructor, R-CYT, in Dundas.
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