– By Dr. Philip Lee, BSc, ND
Thanks Dr. Philip!
Registered Naturopathic Doctor
20n%iors Disc
Eating food raw, such as salad, sushi and half-cooked beef,
is very common in our society.
Although there are many benefits of eating our food raw,
eating uncooked meat can especially increase risk of exposure
to parasites such as bacteria or even worms.
As recent as August of this year, CBC reported that there
was an intestinal outbreak of cyclospora across Canada which
has been linked to various types of imported fresh produce –
such as pre-packaged salad mix, basil, cilantro, berries, and
more. The outbreak is not life threatening, however it causes
cramps, diarrhea and loss of appetite.
If you are experiencing bloating, excessive burping, diarrhea
or constipation, indigestion or reflux, stomach discomfort and
gassiness, you may have ingested foods that were contaminated
with this bacteria, yeast or other parasites.
You can reduce your exposure to parasites by washing fruits
and vegetables with raw apple cider vinegar or with a small
concentration of food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Using vinegar
and herb-based salad dressings can also boost the anti-bacterial
effect that we need.
Cooking and marinating our meat with herbs not only helps
to make them tastier but help in this anti-bacterial effect, as
many herbs have great anti-parasitic effects. Garlic, oregano,
clove, horseradish and ginger are just few examples of herbs
with amazing anti-parasitic properties.
In my years of practice I have commonly seen people living
with abdominal pain, diarrhea and discomfort for many years,
thinking this was “normal for them.” Many of these digestive
symptoms simply are not normal. There are underlying causes
that need to be reviewed and dealt with.
When parasites are finally cleaned out and a good-quality
bacteria (probiotic) is prescribed, symptoms improve because
the root of the problem was addressed. Don’t just take a pill
for it – fix it for good. •
Dr. Philip Lee is a Registered Naturopathic Doctor in Burlington,
ON. 905-634-8598
• Sleep troubles
• Digestive issues
• Candida
• Dermatitis
• Joint pain
• Depression
Dr. Philip Lee, BSc, ND
Burlington Natural Health Centre, 1066 Brant Street, Burlington
i de r
Ap p l e C i s
S up e r !
Studies indicate Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) may
help type 2 diabetics with lowering after-meal blood
glucose spikes by as much as 25%, lower cholesterol
and blood pressure, prevent some cancers, and aid
in moderate weight loss.
ACV also works great as hair conditioner (1 Tbsp
ACV diluted in 1 Cup water, sprayed over hair - the
scent dissipates after rinsing) and remover
of pesticides and bacteria from fresh produce.
Autumn 2015