Rape In Real Life: A Personal interview
A.T- Hello Jenna Moala, this interview will just be a couple of questions about how you were raped and anything else that you would like to share. I am doing an interview for my communications class and I need to have a primary source. If you do not feel comfortable answering any of these questions that is absolutely ok.
J.M- Ok that is perfectly fine ask away.
A.T- How were you put into the situation, were you out at a party or were you at a friend’s house?
J.M- I was at a friend’s, house and he had a couple of people over that I didn’t really know. So at the house total it was three guys and three girls. And I guess but, I didn’t know it, one of my friends was trying to hook me up with a guy she thought I might like.
A.T- So, at your friend’s house did you and this guy have a conversation at all?
J.M- Yes, we talked for a little, but it was mostly in a big group.
A.T- Throughout the night did you get any weird vibes coming from this guy, like was he drinking or did he seem too pushy?
J.M- Yes, he was drinking and he did seem a little pushy but I thought nothing of it. I just thought he was a normal guy that wanted to have sex with me, and I am not that type of girl. Later that night everybody just started doing their own thing and going off with their dates throughout the house.
A.T- So, I am assuming you were left alone with this guy? So what happened after your friends left you.
J.M- Yes, and it was very awkward I was only 18 at the time and wasn’t really into him. After my friends left he persisted that we go to the room and I continuously said no until he stopped asking. He finally stopped and I went to go use the bathroom, and as I was leaving the bathroom the guy was standing right outside the door. He asked me one more time to go into the bedroom, then all of a sudden he just throws me into the room and locks the door. And that’s all I would like to discuss if you don’t mind I really do not like going into details.
A.T- That is perfectly fine I completely understand. Last question do you feel you were dressing provocatively at all, or lead him on in any way?
J.M- No none at all I was wearing some jeans and a T-shirt. I did not lead him on, maybe because I was just being nice he took that as an ok, but nothing in a sexual manner.
A.T- Thank you for your time and story I really appreciate it, you have helped me out so much.
J.M- No problem people need to know that It can happen to them so always know how to protect yourself around strangers.