signage issue 1 volume 1 | Page 18

Profile BACKGROUND It is a GPS based application with a simplified users interface that keeps complexity in the background, which creates virtual (billboards) spots on a digital map embedded within the application, users who then pass through these virtual radius are alerted with pop up notifications, carrying picture, videos, audio, texts or all the listed formats.It is also compatible with all mobile phone devices. VISION STATEMENT VOID is set to transform advertising in Nigeria because it offers a precision system that ensures the advertisers get what is paid for, as it functions on a pay as you go system. It simultaneously nurtures brand involvement, engagement and loyalty for VOID users and everyone they interact with PRODUCT & SERVICES Void Locator is a location based Advertising application, Void enabled phones users are able to “see” vitual billboards as they pass preset coordinates and get rewards. Email:[email protected] Advertiser place adverts ( visual boards) at different specific geo-targeted locations (20M Radius) and Void enabled devices sense these boards when users passes through these coordinates. The mobile application comes with a reward system for the application users. Such that the adverts viewed accrue monetary incentives, points and/or loyalty rewards, and via an integrated shopping module within the app called the 'Cloud mall', purchases can be made on popular e-commerce sites using their rewards. Users are assured of the stability of the app, the coordinates are synced real time within the virtual map using the unique VOID Intuition Robot Aplication (VIRA). VIRA ensures a simplified user interface, while delivering a service in a secure and stable environment. The application is available for download on the Apple store, Play store and Blackberry apps store fronts. 18 SIGNAGE.NG