Siemens Training Recommendations Resource List Volume 1 April, 2014 | Page 15
Value Orientation
Ethical Executive (Hoyk, Hersey 2008)
In this book, Hoyk and Hersey describe 45 "unethical traps" into which any one of us can fall. These traps, they say,
can erupt in any organizational environment. Some of these traps distort our perception of right and wrong—so we
actually believe our unethical behavior is right
Pulling Your Own Strings (Dyer 2001)
This directed and practical book shows how to stop being manipulated by others and start taking charge of your own
Creating a Positive Attitude (2 hrs) (pd_05_a04_bs_enus)
Identify the benefits of changing perspective to deal with situations positively and distinguish among examples of
internal and external loci of control. Select responses that demonstrate a rational response to a sequence of events and
match each positive frame with its corresponding example.
Making Decisions Ethically (1 hr) (pd_02_a01_bs_enus)
Working for your inner Boss: Personal Accountability (2 hrs) (pd_05_a01_bs_enus)
Identify the benefits of defining the values that drive personal accountability and statements that demonstrate those
characteristics. Identify benefits of practicing personal accountability at work. Select appropriate examples of the
elements of a personal accountability plan and sequence examples of the steps for validating an accountability plan.
Ethical Decision-making in the Workplace (1 hr) (pd_18_a03_bs_enus)
Match common ethical problems to examples of their related behaviors and apply strategies for removing obstacles to
ethical decision making. Match obstacles to ethical behavior with corresponding strategies for removing them and
perspectives for making ethical decisions with examples.
Bottom Line, Inc.
Recommendations Resource List (Siemens – Revised April, 2014)