Siemens Brand Guidelines (Sep. 2013) | Page 79

Corporate design manual? |? Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH? |?PoS Two-dimensional PoS materials Layout elements 1 1 Logo?/?layer form The logo?/?layer form is a closed unity (consisting of layer, logo, and bleed). The sizes are defined based on the special requirements and sizes at the PoS. See page 75 2 3 ”Transparent Layer” This central element of the new corporate design is generally aligned on the left on the guideline supplied in the template. It consists of two parts: ”Big Bar” The headline and subhead go in this large, transparent area in the primary color Siemens Stone. As a rule, both have just one or two lines. 3b ”Small Bar” The narrow field in a full-saturation Siemens accent color contains the one-line URL. 2 Keeps vegetables fresh. 3 Image areas For all standard formats, minimum and maximum heights have been defined and are shown in the InDesign templates. Other approaches with full-surface image areas are possible for specific applications, such as roll-ups and banners. 3a 3a Intelligent freezing technology from Siemens. 3b 5 • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit • Nibh euismod tinc idunt ut laoreet dolor essent magna • Erat volet ut verum este non lestaque este molto 4 6 4 White space The height of the white space depends on how much copy there is. Depending on the piece, body copy and?/?or eye-catchers can go here. Due to the special formats used in PoS, body copy is usually single-column. All column widths are defined based on the format size, and can be found in the templates or dimensions. In addition, for each format minimum and maximum sizes have been defined for all typo­ raphic elements (headline, g subhead, body copy, URL). 5 45 cm were never bigger. Eye-catchers (optional) Eye-catchers are generally placed in the white space. For PoS pieces with single-column body copy, the copy column is reduced in width if one or more eye-catchers (max.?2) are used. The horizontal spacing between the body copy column and eye-­ atcher must be at least 4 mm. Up c to 4 eye-catchers can be placed on PoS pieces ­ without body copy. In addition, due to the small size of stickers, eye-catchers on them can also be placed on the image area. the new speedMatic45. 6 Siemens. The future moving in. Basics of the new corporate design The basic design principle of the new corporate design across all media is presented in detail in the chapter on “Design elements”. There you can find all information on the grid, variable templates, logo sizes, company colors, flexible image heights, variable font sizes, and more. See chapter “Design elements” See the “Eye-catchers” guideline 6 Tagline On small stickers, there is no tagline, to leave more space for an image. For pieces with fullformat image area, the tagline can be placed for good legibility in black or white directly b ­ elow the “Small Bar”, aligned on the left ­(optional). 79