Siemens Brand Guidelines (Sep. 2013) | Page 220

Corporate Design Manual? |? Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH? |? Brochures Brochure examples Best practice New product booklet Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH Carl-Wery-Straße 34 81739 München Telefon: +49 89 4590-09 Fax: +49 89 4590-2347 Deutschland Washing has never been so precise and easy: the new Siemens iQ 800 Master Class washing machine. So intelligent, it measures and dispenses the detergent itself. The Siemens iQ 800 Master Class washing machine with i-Dos automatic dosing system. From now on, doing laundry will be so easy that you’ll even look forward to it. The new iQ 800 Master Class washing machine from Siemens not only does the washing, but it also removes stains without the need for special stain removers. What’s more, it dispenses detergent and fabric softener automatically. All you have to do is load the washer, select the cycle, and press start, and Siemens. The future moving in. Ideen für mehr Effizienz. Die Hausgeräte von Siemens. Durchschnittlicher Energieverbrauch in deutschen Haushalten1 Das neue Energielabel. DieIgna conse consed et adiam erit auat utat, quiscidui blamcon vullaore mpsm zzrilla feugueril ip erosto eugue consede dio odoloreros nos er sum voluptat. Ut delestrud dolor alis nibh enibh ea nsete magna consent il ut aliquat. Ut nulpute dolorper susci tem dipsumes iriliquis ate ming ea facing ex exerostie magna faccum quis nim adiam dolor ex el utat, ver sustrud tet, con vercinit volor acipisit at, vulputat. Patisi.Sequisse tinim vulla faci et lut nonse molore feugiam, consed deliquis num dolore magna at. Doloreet vel do consectem vullut nugiam, volore del dolobore do del ulla alit, secte facil il ipsustin euiscipit, commy nim est adionsectem vullaor aut at. Met vullaorperat praesed tis nullandrem quiscipit ip et prat nos nulputem dolor ad modipis dolutet wisi tat aliquat dui er si.Raestio nullamet do cortinci tin eum ex eniam do erostie tat aliquat, veliquatet die dolorer irilit aut at. Ro conse tat sum adiam, quate tatum veleniat wis augait, voloreet vent vel ut nismolo reriure dolor ipit utpat aliscing ero enim. Entwicklung der Haushaltsstrompreise 2000–20112 Veränderungen gegenüber 2000 80 % 10 % Kleine Hausgeräte Sonstige Geräte 14 % 4 % Waschen choose whether you want your washing to be done in half the time or gently, using less energy. Whatever you decide, you can look forward to laundry that is always perfectly cared for and perfectly clean. From now on, just sit back and enjoy your wash. Siemens. The future moving in. 6 7 „Die Designqualität der Zukunft wird am Bedienkonzept gemessen.“ + 87 21 % Kühlen und gefrieren Fernsehen, Hi-Fi 7 % the iQ 800 Master Class washing machine does the rest. The built-in automatic dosing system detects both the type of fabric and the size of the load, as well as the laundry‘s degree of soiling. It also dispenses precisely the right amount of detergent down to the drop, and even takes into account the hardness of the water. But that isn’t all: thanks to innovative varioPerfect technology, you can Roland Hagenbucher 60 % 9 % Kochen und backen Warmwasser – Bad 10 % Warmwasser – Küche 3 % 40 % 3 % Trocknen 20 % 3 % Geschirr spülen 8 % Beleuchtung Gemeinschaftsverbrauch 6 % 1 Quelle: Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft. 0% 2000 2 % Elektr. Heizungssysteme 2 2011 Quelle: Eigene Erhebung Öko-Institut Freiburg, Stand: März 2011. Ferit augiat utat, quiscidui blamon vullaore modipsum zzrilla feug ril ip erosto eugue consed dio oreros nos er sum voluptat. Ut delestrud dolr alis nibh enibh ea consecte magna consent il ut aliquat. Ut nulpute dolorper susci tem sum iriliquis ate ming ea facing eostie magna faccum quis nim adiam lore si ex el utat, ver sustrud tet, con vercinit volor acipisit at, vulputaut. Patisi.Sequisse tinim vulla faci et lut nonse molore feugiam, consed deliquis num dolore magna. Die Hausgeräte von Siemens arbeiten nicht nur ausgezeichnet. Sie sind es auch. Doloreet vel do consectem vullut nibh eugiam, volore del dolobor est do del ulla alit, secte facil il ipstin euiscipit, commy nim adionsectem vullaor aut at. 10 11 Wash cycles and temperatures are precisely controlled by new, sophisticated electronics. The perfectly controlled drum movements make optimal use of the design of the varioSoft drum and its softDesign paddles. Depending on the wash cycle, your laundry is washed more gently or more vigorously. This means that your favorite articles of clothing are given the necessary customized treatment, for instance during the special outdoor, Shirt/Business, or super15 wash cycles. 8 220 Seit dem Jahr 1964 führt die von der Bundesregierung als unabhängige Stiftung gegründete Stiftung Warenstest Produkttests durch. 96% aller erwachsenen Deutschen kennen die Stiftung Warentest und ein Drittel von ihnen verlässt sich auf ihre Testergebnisse. Siemens-Hausgeräte konnten schon immer erfolgreich Auszeichnungen auf den vorderen Plätzen erreichen. 9 Gentle textile care: the varioSoft drum. We developed the varioSoft drum to ensure optimal distribution of your laundry during ?\?[??]???[?X\?????\H?]???\??Y[??]?Y\?\?H\??X???\[Y[??H?][???\??Y?Y\??H\?[[Y]?X???\?Y?Y\?HY\?[??[??\?B??[X[?]\??????Y?[?\??[??[?\??\? ???]\?^H[?]B??\??Z^?Y?X]Y[??[?\?][??B???H?\??\??\?[?[?X^[][B??[?[?\?????\?[??[??Z[???]?[?\??N??H?[?H[??\?YH?X?K??]?HYX[?X?H??^?[Y[H[X?]H[??\?YHXYH???H?[?Y?X??X??H[??\?YH?X?B??\?\??[??[??Y\?[?\?[??\?YH?[?H[??]??[\\?]\?\???]]?[XZ[??]?X?]?B???\?[???\?[?\?X?[\??Y\Z\??\K???M???\???[?????Y[Y[??R]\??\??B??????HYX[?X]Y[????[?\??\?Y[???H?X?X[?Y[Y[?????[\???????????H?[?B??[?\?][??K??YX[Y?\?Y[???\??X?\??[?B?\H?][??N?H?]?[X???X???????\?YZ\?Z[??Z[?\?\??Z]?]??\?YH???H]]B?[?X?[??][H[[Y\??X?Y?\???Z[??[?\?\??X[??H]X?[?YHZ[??X?[???\??\?H[?????H?[ ??[H?Z]?[p?0???Z]??[?\?Y?\??Y[Y[??R]\??\??B?]X[?[??H?Z[?H??][?N?[?\??\?[???Y[???X?K[????\?Y?[?X]\?X[Y[?[?\????\?[??\?\??Z][??[?\?XX??p??YH?\??HZ]Z?\?\??X?[?\????ZYH?H?YY[?[???[?[?0???Y?[??]X???Y[H\?Y?R?\?\???MB??M???YX[??^[\??]????H?]????X?K?????[?H?[??Y?[H?\?????[???[????Y?[Y?X??]?[?????X?X[HY\Y?[B?[?[Y[??H???X?H?X[?????[?H?[B??]?[?[???[\[??\??Y\[??]?X?H[??Y??K???\??X?????X?H?]?]??H?\? ??\?[?\???X\??X?K??H?\? ??\?[?\???X\??X?H\?\?H??\??\???X?K[?H?[??X?H\??YX?Y? ?K?????\??[??[??YX[???\? 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