"Thank you for showing people that we aren't all in some
"straight edge gang.""
All in all, not every person in
the Straight Edge community is
"Most people don't realize that people who choose to abstain
going to be "that person" and
from drugs and alcohol don't think that they're superior. My
taunt people for living their life
decision to abstain is a personal decision.."
by their rules but not every
"I love going out with my friends when they go to bars or clubs
and showing them that I'm still having a good time even though
I'm not drinking."
person is going to be an
accepting person overall. As a
community that came from the
hardcore punk scene (one of
the most accepting places in
music, in my opinion), we
should all be a little more
accepting of those who have
decided to change how they
want to live or who have never
even thought of living their life
drug free before.
This isn't to say you should
empathize with people who
have an addiction and know
they need help but won't get it.
This is to say, however, that we
should all get along regardless
An anonymous man who took part in a Vice interview on
of who we are. Be a positive
breaking edge explained that he was sick of being militant. "It
influence and show the people
was nice to be able to go out and not be so uptight, just being
that hurl jokes at the
nice to people who try to be nice to me. I became genuinely
community that we're not some
interested in conversations instead of just being bored. Now I’m
realizing it's OK if people want to do drugs or drink because its
fun, but just know that it doesn’t remedy anything." While I
can't personally agree or disagree, my philosophy has always
been that Straight Edge is for myself