When I first decided to be Straight Edge, the only
thoughts I had in my mind were "I don't want to
end up an alcoholic like my father" and "I've never
liked the idea of taking drugs or alcohol, so why
would I change my mind about it later?" My wellbeing and the life I grew up with were my main
reasons for claiming edge and never looking back
and so far, it's been 4 years and I haven't thought
about turning back.
Straight Edge is the lifestyle that refrains from
partaking in recreational drugs, alcohol, and
tobacco (some also refrain from promiscuous sex,
following a vegetarian or vegan diet, and do not
use caffeine or prescription drugs). Many people
around the world are living drug free and have
made a lifetime commitment to never breaking that
commitment. However, there are quite a few
people that I've seen, and that probably many of
you have seen, who decided that in the end the
"edge life" just wasn't for them and decided to live
We constantly see couples get matching tattoos or
their life the way they want to.
names of each other on themselves, only to see
them break up months later. We joke about it for a
Fair enough.
bit and then we just move on with our lives. So,
why are some of us still so hung up on people who
However, a lot of times some members of the
broke their own oath?
community would mock these people. Sometimes,
Maybe it's because we have to be introduced to it
they'd even bully the hell out of them on social
when we're young, so we are able to take
media, and I used to think I got it. I was one of
advantage of it, understand it, and fully experience
those kids who really wanted to invest in a "Fuck
it. Maybe it's because some of us just hate the idea
Scott Sparks" shirt because I thought it was
of someone else not living their life like ours?
seriously stupid to have Straight Edge themed
tattoos and then one day wake up and decided that
Maybe it's just because we hate any kind of drug so
you didn't want to be a part of that community.
much that we are easily angered by someone else
Then, I started to ask the question:
having just one sip of alcohol or a drag of a
cigarette. Either way, I think most can agree with
"If I'm drug free for myself, then why do I care if
someone doesn't want to be anymore?"
me on this, it's time to let go.