big ideas by facundo gastiazoro
community conduit
final thoughts from CICK’s chief (stand-in)
CICK’s commander-in-chief, our esteemed
board president Ken White, is a busy guy. So I’m stepping
in to say a few words about the radio station that publishes
this magazine. You won’t catch me complaining about
doing this bec ause it feeds m y god complex. For this
issue at least, I get to ha ve the fir st and last w ords, the
beginning and the end.
Smithers Community Radio is a pretty rad place
to call home. We broadcast 24/7 out of an antique rail
car, we get to play (and listen to) the newest and best
music has to offer , and, best of all, we get to hang out
with each other and think up ne w and exciting w ays to
make Smithers a better place to liv e. Things like putting
on our own mini festival right outside the train, featuring
local performers like Theresa Mohr and Ranger Smash.
Things like sending our pair of summer inter ns out into
the community to record your voices, tell your stories.
Things like throwing parties that raise funds for this little
non-profit...and get you out dancing at the same time.
CICK is a conduit for the comm unity. Here, we
can support musicians, promote events, get the word out
about important issues, and highlight just about anything
that happens in the valley. And because we are community
radio, that means you’re a part of it, whether you read this
magazine, listen to the station daily, or just know someone
who has helped out at one of our events. Being part of
it—the community and this radio station—means you’re
sitting on a smokin’ opportunity to shar e something
good with everyone else who lives here. So if you have
a burning idea, bring it to us—there’s a good chance we
can help you get that idea out there to the world.
— Matt J. Simmons, Presidential Aide
[sic] fall 2014.indd 21
14-10-07 7:00 PM