Shree 2021 Seventh edition | Page 39

millions of stranded people of North East to their homes . We had created an online application form to collect all the necessary information from the migrants who wanted to go home . Our helpline team attended their calls , helped them fill up the forms and guided them with correct information for a period of more than a month . Karnataka Government had well-arranged places as screening centre where the migrants could come and register for the next Shramik Special Train . However , the stranded were still confused and panicked . We tried our best to communicate with them and calm them down . There were many NGOs like “ Food Task Force ” who offered food for all the migrants . It slowly came to an end when Government decided to open up the transportations . However , we continued receiving the calls for ration .
Some 90 % migrants fled their home during this crisis . Many of them are jobless now . They are still uncertain of what lies ahead of them . . They are unsure of moving back to Bangalore because they do not have the job anymore . Even
after a year now , many restaurants are still shut , hospitality industry is not opening up yet . We sincerely hope things come back to normal . People start living their normal life .
These are just few snapshots of those events . Those days were more than what I could pen down today . Receiving those panic calls from the stranded migrants in the midnight and trying to console them was and will remain my biggest hurdle of life . And for the matter of fact , it would be for all of us who attended those calls . We tried our best to help each one of our people who reached out to us .
This pandemic has taught us a lot , despite the panic , the chaos and helplessness . However , being able to be there for those people has filled my heart with joy . In retrospect I can say that this phase of the pandemic would remain as the proudest moment of our lifetime as we shared our brotherhood beyond all differences and worked as a big family . Kudos to the Helpline Team Members , the volunteers and well-wishers . Long live Assam Society of Bangalore !
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