Shree 2021 Seventh edition | Page 38

Bangalore for next 3 months . All our volunteers and Covid Warriors travelled all over Bangalore in their personal vehicles to distribute the ration .
Meanwhile , we started getting panic calls from people who had nothing to eat , house owners were asking people to vacate their houses abruptly . There were people who were so depressed that they were talking about suicide . Apart from the little counselling possible from our side , we had formed a helpline group and published them all over our social media . Our dedicated Covid helpline team attended 24 / 7 calls from thousands of migrants who needed help .
We started collecting details of the affected people who needed immediate help . We also had a dedicated team who handled distressed and panic calls from people . In few cases , we had to take professional help in order to counsel the distressed . Our team helpedmany homeless and stranded migrants with a temporary shelter by connecting them to a few NGOs .
With the information and database we had , we tried reaching out to the Government of Assam for helping the students and specially the people who came to Bangalore for treatment . But we failed to connect initially . Later on , with the direct contacts with the Covidwar rooms in Assam , we were able to connect them with the Govt of Karnataka Covid helpline team . It took time , but it worked for us . We were able to send home many students and people who came for treatment to Bangalore by bus . They got passes from Bangalore authorities .
In a few days , the government had provided Sharmik special train from Bangalore . With the help of the nodal officers in Bangalore , we were able to help in streamlining the process of sending
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