SHOUT4HE Second Newsletter - June 2019 | Page 3

SHOUT4HE SECOND NEWSLETTER | Issue 2 3 First Multiplier Event – PXL University The multiplier event was attended by 20 people, including the speakers. 15 of those were participants from universities and organisations, other than PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The profiles of the participants were educational developers and educational researchers. The multiplier event was focused around two intellectual outputs of the SHOUT4HE-project: 1) the recognition framework; 2) and the e-platform. At the end of the seminar, the participants formulated some overall feedback: • They stressed the necessity for peer review and multiple review rounds before uploading an OEP to the e-platform. • Another important remark was the introduction of multiperspectivity. An OEP shouldn’t be a teacher-only perspective. • Another point of attention was related to the demand to HE-teachers. The participants doubt that HE-teachers are able to produce a high quality OEP by themselves. There need to be support from educational developers and video producers. • A last remark was related to the recognition framework. A practice can still be in a ‘pilot stage’, and can be inspiring to others in that stage (example: a pioneer innovation). The practices shouldn’t all be in a ‘mature implementation’-stage. Can we differentiate in the type of practices? @SHOUT4HE