Short Par 4 The Magazine Issue #2 October 2020 | Page 52

Feet Shoulder Width Apart

Ball Position

Now , when we build the stance , we want the feet roughly about shoulder-width apart , nice and stable with the lower body . The legs are still essential in putting . The ball will be slightly ahead of the center , the stance and the shaft pretty much at 90 degrees . We don ' t want too much shuffling , and we don ' t want the shaft leaning back . An excellent guide for the shoulders is that we want them reasonably level , we don ' t want any excessive tilts of the shoulders either way . So do your best to get the shoulders as level as possible . And we want roughly 50 percent weight distribution on each leg .

WEight Balanced

Regarding posture , we ' d like to see that the top of the neck is a flat spot . So you ' ll see here that the top of the neck there is pretty flat and the hands are very much hanging down underneath that spot . Relax that neck while looking down at the ball , tension is a killer .

Right Shoulder Tilt