Short Par 4 The Magazine Issue #2 October 2020 | Page 53

This also allows you to get the eyes pretty much over that target line . We like to see the eyes literally over the target line so we can look straight down that line when it comes to alignment . We want all parts aiming straight down that target line . We want the feet , the knees , the hips , the forearms , and the shoulders all running parallel to that target line .

So let ' s run this back just so you have a checklist to go through when you ' re at the practice green next time .

45 degree tilt from the hips , arms relaxed , feet shoulder-width apart . 50 / 50 weight distribution on each leg , and grip the putter more in the palm of your hand . Relax your neck so you can have your eyes over the ball .

This all sounds like an awful lot , but if you practice this off the golf course , in your living room while watching TV , in the office , wherever you can , it will make you a better putter guaranteed .