Sho!Mag Issue 2 August 2015 Sho! March April 2016 Final Issue | Page 4
eephonix Entertainment
is a music label based
Pretoria, South Africa, this
music label was established
in the year 2014. Not only are
they invloved in the record-
ing process of their music,
but they are also hands on in
distribution process
of their material. We take
some time-out to chill with
one of its founders Maplan-
ka Da Legend so as to get
more information about Dig-
ital Music Distribution:
Sho!: In your own words, how
would you describe Digital Music
Distribution to a musician or an
individual who does not what it is?
Maplanka Da Legend: Digital Mu-
sic Distribution is when you distrib-
ute your label music or other labels
music to digital stores worldwide
such as traxsource, beatport, itunes,
and any other music store.
Sho!: What were the reasons for you
guys to distribute your music dig-
itally? And any motivation behind
those actions?
Maplanka Da Legend: Honestly we
distributed our music because we
had challenges with our previous
distributor regarding late releases,
piracy of unreleased tracks and also
we lacked distribution updates from
him such as release date and other
information that you can give to a
label as a distributor meaning giving
a clarity to a record label and pro-
Sho!: What would you say are the
Pros and Cons for Distributing Mu-
sic Digitally? music to digital stores worldwide
such as traxsource, beatport, tunes,
and any other music store.
Maplanka Da Legend: Pros are
when you distribute your music
you are the one who is in charge of
release date, daily/weekly/monthly
sales reports, anti-piracy, music pro-
motion to the Disk Jockeys or any
other music supporters. The Cons
are inversely proportional to the
Pros because the challenge that you
might get is maybe when you upload
music then you have a nework prob-
lem or break down while you have
reached the release deadline, other
challenge maybe is when a produc-
er is wgiving a problem regarding
music royalties because of they think
when you Sho!: What were the reasons for you
guys to distribute your music dig-
itally? And any motivation behind
those actions?
Sho!: In your own words, how
would you describe Digital Music
Distribution to a musician or an
individual who does not what it is?
Maplanka Da Legend: Digital Mu-
sic Distribution is when you distrib-
ute your label music or other labels
Maplanka Da Legend: Honestly we
distributed our music because we
had challenges with our previous
distributor regarding late releases,
piracy of unreleased tracks and also
we lacked distribution updates from
him such as release date and other
information that you can give to a
label as a distributor meaning giving
a clarity to a record label and pro-
Sho!: What would you say are the
Pros and Cons for Distributing Mu-
sic Digitally?
Maplanka Da Legend: Pros are
when you distribute your music
you are the one who is in charge of
release date, daily/weekly/month-
ly sales reports,
anti-piracy, music promotion to the
Disk Jockeys or any other music
supporters. The Cons are inversely
proportional to the Pros because
the challenge that you might get
is maybe when you upload music
then you have a network problem or
break down while you have reached
the release deadline, other challenge
maybe is when a producer is giving
a problem regarding music royal-
ties because of they think when you
distribute music digitally you will be
generating millions of Rands so they
assume that you have given them
fake sales reports.
graphic designers (artworks, logos,
posters, flyers, calendars, animation
and any other graphics) we design
graphics for companies including re-
cord labels around South Africa, and
a Pianist. We also have artists like D
La Dino, Maplanka Da Legend, Kay
Mood, Deephonix Crew, Stan Deep,
Deep Saint, Sound Illusionz, Ian Kay
and ChronicalDeep. we produce
good music and all genres but at
the moment we release house music
and its sub genres
which are Afro
Sho!: What would you say
is the best way or option
for an independent
musician or music
label of getting
their music to
Online Music
Sho!: How long has your ‘Brand’
been operational and what can you
offer independent musicians and
music labels alike?
Maplanka Da Legend: Since April
2014 we started with podcastst titled
“Deephonix Sessions” and a few free
music on soundcloud and datafile-
To independent musicians and
music labels we offer collaborations,
remixing, mixing and mastering,
artwork for a certain release,
also releasing under Deep-
honix Records if we like
your music.
Sho!: For more infor-
mation about your
services, how can one
contact you bro?
Da Legend:
The best way
is to distrib-
ute for your
own label or
distribute for
your music
partners such
as mentors and
friends who are
Sho!: Please tell us
more about your Brand
‘Deephonix Records’, what is
it that you guys do over there?
Maplanka Da Legend:
Deephonix Records is an indepen-
dent and developing record label, it
consist of different producers with
different music styles, at different
places in South Africa, Different
Disk Jockeys, we also have websites
developers we develop website for
companies around South Africa,
music producers.
House, Soulful
House and Tech
House around the World, we make
mixtapes/podcasts for Deephonix
titled “Deephonix Sessions” and
guest mixes if they accept our mixes,
we deejay at our local clubs and our
friends parties or events and we
do mixing and mastering for other
Maplanka Da Leg-
One, van get hold
of us through vari-
ous ways as we are
all over Social Me-
dia. Facebook search
for us as Deephonix-
ent and on twitter
we are
honixent. We can
also be reached for
bookings and any oth-
er music related matter
through the following
lines : 0748449622 /
0608419828 / 0744911955
/ 0734665011 and can use the
following mails too for bookings
[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected].