Sho!Mag Issue 2 August 2015 Sho! March April 2016 Final Issue | Page 3

BRANDIT BRANDIT which really empties the musi- cian’s pockets in a big way. There has been a serious dip in CD sales which on its own offers opportu- nities for retailers which are able to quickly adopt to this growing trend and serious threats to those that fail to adopt their business model to suite this growing trend of distribut- ing music digitally. Globally, digital music distribution has in some cases been blamed for certain music re- tailers closing shop permanently. But on the flip side, digital music distribution has brought with it a breath of fresh air to unsigned mu- sicians and independent musicians as gives artists more control over their music in terms of ownership, rights, creative process, pricing and profit from copies of music pur- chased. “The introduction of internet has brought advantages within the music industry and within this issue we discuss one of those advantage Digital Music Distribution” D igital music distribution. What is digital music distribution (also called content delivery, online distribu- tion, or electronic distribution (ED), among others). The term is generally used to describe music distribution over an online deliv- ery medium, such as the Internet. This means that one distributes their music online, simply mean- ing that the actual music is dis- tributed and sold online as com- pared to the music being sold via traditional means such as physical distribution. With the introduction of inter- net to our daily lives, with this there were many benefits in the way we conduct business and trade. One of those benefits, for the sake of our topic was the introduction of E-Commerce (trading or facilitation of trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the internet). Musicians have bene- fited hugely from E-Commerce as it essentially mean that, an unsigned musician or an independent music label can now compete with major record label and play in the same arena as the “big boys” of the music industry. This, I say because now- adays unsigned artists and inde- pendent labels can get to distribute their material in the same platform where major labels distribute their material. All thanks to Digital Music Distribution. The list of benefits would go on to also include the ability of releas- ing singles for the artist instead of a full length album, lower distribu- tion costs, worldwide distribution of their music, multiple online store music distribution, and so on. As we go on we need to discuss the options an artist has at their dispos- al and the best route an unsigned musician or independent music label can take. There are quite a lot of options one can take, for this article I shall mention only the fol- lowing websites for more informa- tion (www.symphonicdistribution. com, and www., but for this article we will not mention them in-depth as we are not indorsing any particular distribution label or business. them to give you the information: So, it would be wise or highly advisable for the musician or label to do some research on them individually. The good thing, I have called on some experts who have distributed their music digitally and are at a bet- ter position to give you guys more information. Let me push through a brief introduction and then allow you to see what information they have for us. Straight on the go!!! I had to call on Maplank Da Legend from Deepho- nix Entertainment. Then we followed with a one on one with Wit Dj from WitDj Produc- tions,and yes he had his take on this topic. To top it all up, I called on King- Bayaa to have his views. By choosing to distribute one’s material digitally, an artist can easily create a wider reach for their fans as their music is not only distributed nationally. But the distribution of their material is not by any means area bound, but limitless. Meaning that folks even abroad can get hold of the artist’s material. What digital music distribution has done for an un- signed musician and independent music label is, it has significantly decreased the “red tape” associated with the distribution of music and not to mention lowered the costs of distributing music for an un- signed musician and independent music label. This essentially means that, we as music consumers can get to finally enjoy the music we love and support at a lower cost and also artists get to make a living from their artistic trade. With introduction of digital music distribution and sad to say piracy 4 5