Sho!Mag Issue 2 August 2015 Sho! Issue #2 August 2015 | Page 13
nternet based radio stations. What is it
all about? And how can it help in
building a brand if used in a correct
manner. These are some of the points
which will be covered in this month‟s issue of
Just a brief definition of an “Internet Based
Radio Station”. An internet radio is a broadcast
using the internet as the connection to the radio
rather than airwaves.So in simple an internet
radio station can only be listened to via internet.
The basic requirements to use “Internet Radio”
is that you have a broadband internet
connection at your home or wherever you use
the radio.
Since an “Internet Based Radio Station” does
not have limitations according to its broadcast
area as compared to traditional radio, an artist
can receive a “World Wide” exposure for their
To discuss this matter, I had to call upon
“Sebusiso Mbatha” of “House365 Radio” and
“AfroSoul Monk” of “Alra Park Radio”. Read
about what they had to say about “Internet
Based Radio Station” ...Sho!