nterviewer: Who
have you worked
with so far in this
musical journey of
Interviewer: Any future or planned musical
projects Curls Deep is involved with, like what
do hope the future holds for the brand Curls
Curls Deep: My man, I am currently working
on the release of my debut full length album
due out later this year. What I can say is “ it‟s
my time” man and expect nothing but flames
when that drops!!!
Curls Deep: Mostly I
have worked with local
Mthatha based artists
and musicians. To name
a couple of those artists
Interviewer: Career highlights my man, what
Vusikhaya Nonkwelo (Ritz), Yongama Madaza
have been your Career highlights so far?
(Kronic), Sitenkosi Rudah (Ill-Shot) ,
Curls Deep: My music career is on the rise,
Christopher Sekese (ElCrizzY) , Pelokazi
but if I had to pick and choose. . I would say
Gqweta, Lona Gqweta, Chuma Tyumre (Ezra),
the release of my debut EP titled “Sounds Of
Sibulele Mshumpela (Infinity), Aviwe Dywili
Victory” is the highlight of my career. This I
(Dj Eister) and Sibongile .
say because this EP has been long
“the release of my debut
Interviewer: Any current music
coming, I just kept on delaying the
EP titled “Sounds Of
project you are involved with?
Victory” is the highlight of release date because I wanted to
Curls Deep: Currently pushing my career ”
offer a well-rounded project
the following projects my man.
especially with it being my debut
Curls Deep-Sounds Of Victory E.P (OUT
NOW). A Soul Candi Selektor Series-Limpopo
edition Album Launch event where, I will be
playing live alongside Chymamusiq, Punk and
Brazo Wa Afrika in Mthatha sports field, on the
4th July 2015.And currently have a new single
coming out now, Curls Deep where I feature Dj
Eister titled “Mthatha Made Me”.
Interviewer: Life besides music Curls Deep,
any other projects you are involved in when you
are not doing music?
Curls Deep: I do try by all means to follow my
other passions which are not in line with music.
I am a Designer / Draftsman / Architect, and a
growing business man.
Interview: Where and how can we get hold of
Curls Deep and his projects?
Curls Deep: Simple, one can get hold of me
where “Deep House Music” is and if I am not
there….Well, one can check out my Facebook
Page www.facebook.com/TidalMusic. And for
bookings, one can get to do that via
[email protected] or they can halla at
078 793 9934 / 082 970 4480...