Sherman ISD Building Bearcats Magazine November 2017 | Page 11

Assistant Superintendent Susan Whitenack discusses the importance of facilities to teaching and learning with members of the Citizens Advisory Committee during a school tour. 2. What will a student need to do so that I can guarantee that he/she understands? 3. What do I do to support a s t u de nt w ho d oesn’t h av e the prerequisites to meet my expectation? 4. What do I do to support a student who is advanced or has an understanding of this lesson? SISD Instructional coaches – staff members who coach teachers on high- leveraged instruction – provide data on student achievement and facilitate teacher collaboration across subject areas and grade levels. Crutchfield teacher Patricia Magee helps a student with his work during class. Helping teachers design lessons to support students is goal of the SISD Curriculum and Instruction department. “Our instructional coaches support teachers to hone their craft by analyzing the curriculum and determining the need of the learner,” Whitenack said. “The data they provide gives us points to fill in small or large gaps for each child.” With the support of instructional coaches and a collaborative teaching environment, Whitenack can determine where she needs to provide resources on a large scale and identify how the district can support teachers to help them support individual learners. “Overall, Sherman ISD and all of our stakeholders want our students develop a deeper knowledge of what they are learning,” Whitenack said. “Supporting and developing our teachers’ deeper understanding of their craft is the key to doing that and doing it well.” 11