She Magazine FEBRUARY 2016 | Page 86

Marti Miller-Willoughby contributing writer Aphids, Dingoes, & Ostriches Ah, February – the love month! It brings with it the sweetness of Valentine’s Day chocolates, flowers, and mushy cards. Presidents are honored with a holiday (and retail excuse for big sales). We turn our gnat-like attention to nurturing a happier, healthier heart - which in turn can conjure up the 14th day massacre, and dead-of-winter depression, and then the dreaded Jeremiah ver ses launch a guilt-laden assault on all that heart focus. February may be the shortest month of the year, but it brings with it some pretty long days and dark nights. In a month of overflowing love, there seems to always come an undercurrent of what is not lovely. It’s the age-old problem of dissatisfaction with what we think love is, instead of appreciation for the simplicity of its gift. Or, maybe it’s just me? Likely so. One recent evening, I was spending a little too much time viewing Facebook videos of cuddly puppies and crazy cat antics when I came across one about a man who could predict answers to a series of questions without ever seeing the viewer in person (namely me). Okay, I’m game! It’ll keep me from addressing the dirty dishes. This video fella proceeded to ask me to come up with answers to his seemingly harmless and easy questions. If you want to play along, please don’t read ahead. First, name a country that starts with the letter “A” – like Afghanistan or Algeria – but don’t choose either of those. Think of your own. Once you have the country in mind, take the last letter of that word and come up with a bug that starts with that letter. Now, using the last letter of the bug word, name a jungle animal. With the last letter of the jungle animal, name a bird. He then proceeded to tell me (on the video – I’m not THAT crazy) my answers to the bug, animal, and bird inquiries. He was exactly correct! If you played along and came up with the following answers, you, poor thing, have a similar mindset. The answers I 86 FEBRUARY 2016 gave were: ANT, TIGER, and ROBIN (or RAVEN). Wow, huh? I was impressed! Don’t ask me why he didn’t also share the country I selected (Argentina, by the way). I guess it doesn’t matter. I was stunned by his accuracy. I think of myself as a relatively creative person, one who usually comes up with rather quirky answers for simple questions. Though it was a fun few minutes of idle time, I was slightly miffed that this guy could so easily deceive me (that Jeremiah 17:9 thing). Now fast-forward to a recent drive toward Conway from Ketchuptown with my mostly silent husband. I figured I could break the boredom by sharing the ANT, TIGER, ROBIN game with him. Surely he would come up with those answers. He doesn’t like to color outside the lines very often. He sees things most often in black and white (Mr. Logical Linear Thinker). I proceeded to set up the “game” by telling him I could predict what his answers would be to a set of questions. Being a dramatic sort, I told him in hushed tones that I’d mysteriously write down the answers on a slip of paper, then fold it and place it between us as we drove along. And, I did just that – only the “slip of paper” was a slightly used napkin. We were, after all, rolling along in a muddy-tired man truck. I began to set the trap, telling him to name a country that started with “A”, etc. Only he was not to give his answers out loud. Just think of them in his head. This was rather difficult for him, as he tends to be a blurter. I cannot begin to describe my shock and awe (and subsequent outrage) when the game was over and he shared his answers. Only one answer was even remotely close to the expected outcome. His country was “America”, which would have worked. But, no. He took a shortcut through Weirdville. His answer for bug was APHID. Are you kidding me? He picks an obscure sap sucker of a bug that reproduces without mating. Who chooses aphid over ant? Just wait – it gets worse. SHEMAGAZINE.COM