She Her Them Magazine 1 | Page 11

Let ’ s Talk About Sex


Here ' s The Truth About Endometriosis And Sex

Written by Isabelle Salami
One in ten women of reproductive age in the UK suffer from a chronic condition called endometriosis - it is often referred to as the “ silent epidemic .”
Endometriosis ( or “ endo ” for short ) is a longterm condition where tissues , similar to those found in the lining of the womb , are found elsewhere in the body . These tissues build up and break down each month , resulting in bleeding .
Besides causing heavy or irregular periods , pelvic pain , nausea and constipation , endometriosis can have a huge impact on your sex life , often ruling out the option of sex for many women .
According to statistics by UK led charity Endometriosis UK , two out of three women with the condition experience severe pain during or after sex ( dyspareunia ), alongside painful orgasms ( dysorgasmia ) which sometimes prevents them from having penetrative sex altogether .
Josephine Martin , a midwifery student , 19 , was diagnosed with Thoracic Endometriosis , a rare form of the condition where the endometrial tissues build and around the lungs , at the age of 16 after undergoing a transvaginal ultrasound .
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Thoracic endometriosis is often coupled with asthma , a lung condition which Martin also suffers from : “ I struggle with really bad chest pains in the week leading up to my menstrual cycle , and the week of my cycle . I get really bad heartburn and have trouble breathing too .”
Martin admits there are occasions where she avoids sex altogether due to both severe pelvic cramps and a lowered libido as a result of the medication she is currently using to relieve her endo symptoms .

“ Sometimes I couldn ’ t even get out of bed . I physically felt like I had been shot .”

“ I used to have quite a high sex drive , but now it ’ s much lower . I don ’ t know whether this is psychological because of the fear of pain , but my libido is definitely lower .”
“ I would get a stabbing pain all around my stomach . Sometimes I couldn ' t even get out of bed . I physically felt like I had been shot ," Martin describes .
The midwifery student says that during sex , she will avoid sexual positions where “ deep