shaw-architectural-reference-guide-book-2 | Page 177

“ After working with Shaw & Sons on many projects , it is apparent that your level of expertise and knowledge is unmatched in the industry . Shaw & Sons ’ ability to provide the highest quality of cast in place concrete walls and architectural concrete paving is apparent and makes your firm stand out as the leader of your industry . From the beginning of the project , Shaw & Sons had a clear understanding of the contract scope and delivered the project on budget and on time despite the demanding project schedule surpassing McCarthy ’ s expectations .” - Patrick Peterson , McCarthy Building Companies , Inc .
Oreped et eum fugit quis ut quis autet odit , officius , quunti consequi con rae quam velit eum quo illupicatur remporiore occum reicimi , ipiet pedigenis maioribusam lam faccum et utest , experit , simi , sitio con et rendund ebiscid quam facestrunt dolessequias eaque sectus as volo co .