Returning to
God ' s Rest
“ Rest was what God intended for each of us . It ' s what Jesus paid the price for us to return to . Here is where we also come into the promises God has for us , these promises can only be found and attained after we return to the place and realm we were intended to live and dwell in .”
The Benefits Of Returning When we come to the Father , we also come to know how extravagant His love is for us . I have been led back into the realms of heaven , into God ’ s love but the cost has continued to be everything . However , what I continue to find is that I am being replenished with God ’ s love . Every morning when I wake up the presence of the Lord is upon me .
Therefore , what began as experiencing His presence on occasions has continued to increase and soon in the Lord ’ s words , I will be walking in the “ wellspring of ” life , as the Spirit of God fills me to overflowing with His presence . Others will also benefit from this in various forms when I am around them . From signs , wonders and healings , to experiencing the presence of God ’ s love that overflows from my life , this is the way God intended it to be for His children .
Let it be known that I am not an exception to what I am living but this life is for all to walk in , however , the cost remains everything . The other benefits I am also experiencing is in walking toward God ’ s promise of perfect health , as I mentioned in my last article God has led me into being healed of an infirmity that doctors said could never happen .
As I walk deeper , I am being given greater depth to understand both what it takes to go back into the timeless place , called the garden . I am experiencing and coming to know more about the heavenly realms Adam and Eve once knew which is
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