Fruitfullne ss
Jesus gave us a
totally different
way of looking at
things so that we can
conquer the habit
of worry, fear and
stress ..
July - September 2017
Fruitfulness: “By this My Father is
glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you
will be My disciples.” John 15:8 To be
able to bear much fruit we must always be
united to the Vine, which is Jesus Christ. If
we are not united in Him it is not possible
to bear fruit, He cannot prune us to get rid
of all that is not of Him. To be productive
we must be disciplined and discipled by
Him. God is glorified through us wherever
we go and we can never do this on our
own. Seriously read John 14, all the way
through. It tells of what Jesus promised
when He said, He would send the Holy
Spirit as our Helper. The Holy Spirit will
teach us, guide us, help us and so much