Bible and look it up . It is a Scripture that interprets the dream I had . An exact interpretation of what I had dreamt . I am awed ! I ponder it . I read it in different versions of the Bible . I check commentaries to see what they say . It even cross references a Scripture that the Lord had given to me a little while back , concerning this same issue . I meditate on it . I keep coming back to it . I share it with my close friends . They too are awed .
I Will Not Confer With Flesh And Blood I can hear contradictory opinions , I can hear many voices , my head is spinning , I am getting confused , so I retreat . I go back into my refuge , my hiding place where I can meet with the lover of my soul . In this place I feel safe , I ’ m with the one I know , it ’ s the voice I know . “ My sheep know my voice , and they follow me , the voice of a stranger they will not follow .” John 10:4-5
I left the murky waters of confusion , I am now in a place where the waters are still and clear . His voice and words reverberate , with their original clarity . I step right into the Word . I see myself in the Word again . The Scriptures come alive . It ’ s like it ’ s written especially for me . Doubt flees . Faith rises in my heart again . Faith was always there . I decide not to confer with flesh and blood about this issue any more but to confer with the One who created me .
I Hold On To Your Word I was going through a protracted transition , which meant I was constantly listening for His guidance . He had spoken , I had heard Him , I had written down what He had shown me and told me but I had yet again drifted away from His word . I must hold onto His words , His words are my lifeline .
“ But if any of you lacks wisdom , he should ask God , who gives generously to all without finding fault , and it will be given to him . But he must ask in faith , without doubting , because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea , blown and tossed by the wind . That man should not expect to receive anything from the Lord ” James 1:5- 7
It ’ s quite easy to forget the words God has spoken to us amidst the busyness of our daily life or when life ’ s challenges come . Didn ’ t He say , to the Disciples in Mark 6:7- 8 “ let ’ s go to the other side of the lake ?” Didn ’ t a storm arise ? Didn ’ t their doubts also rise ? He rebuked the storm . What He speaks to you in the dark , do not forget in the light . The only way to do this is to meditate on His word and His prophecies on a daily basis , keep them before your eyes . Pray over them . Speak to Him about them and by doing this you can retain the freshness of these prophetic words and see your faith rise . p
By Davida Yemi-Akanle Helps women discover their divine purpose and realise empowerment .
July - September 2017 SHARE | MAGAZINE | 11