Canada, USA and UK are among nations
that have added gender identity to its human
rights act, you go to jail per se, for calling a
person by the wrong gender assignment.
What does that even mean in practice?
The public needs clarity! We need to focus
on function not labels. Toilets should be
labelled: Toilets and given private cubicles
for all users so that this nonsense of
mistaken identity stops. Protect the privacy
of each user not just some.
Ever since I can
remember I have heard the unsaved
who indicate an interest in serving
God led to repeat a prayer called
‘the sinner’s prayer. Is there such a
prescribed prayer in Scriptures? If
so, where could I find it? Oh, one
other thing. After repeating this
prescribed ‘sinner’s prayer’ they tell
the person they are now saved. Is
that true, does repeating this prayer
make a person saved?
Answer: This question has two parts
so before we proceed let’s define
them clearly. 1. Is there a biblical
template for ‘the sinner’s prayer’? 2.
Is repeating ‘the sinner’s prayer’ the
step into salvation?
The hidden curriculum of the
politically correct
The dissemination of this view on the
society is rife; school is no longer a place of
learning by questioning and free thinking
but one of Indoctrination producing
drones who all tow the line of propaganda.
To disagree is to be labelled a bigot or
Ideological subversion can only be rectified
by faith in The Truth, cling trustingly to the
truth. That which has been tried, proven
and tested over the eons of time.
“In a time of universal deceit - telling
the truth is a revolutionary act.” -
George Orwell
Pray earnestly for God given priorities
and choose today to live by Biblical
values. p
Angela Slack
Editor and Co-founder
You have questions we’ve got answers
there a biblical template
Question: Is
for ‘the sinner’s prayer’?
evangelists can boast of their success.
Some of these people are saved and
will go on to manifest the signs but a
great many others aren’t.
The Scripture passage in Romans
that is used to justify the so called
‘sinner’s prayer’ says, “...that if you
confess with your mouth the Lord
Jesus and believe in your heart that
God has raised Him from the dead,
you will be saved. For with the heart
one believes unto righteousness, and
with the mouth confession is made
unto salvation.” Romans 10:9-10
From this the ‘sinner’s prayer’ was
constructed. Those who indicate their
interest to be saved were therefore
told to repeat the following, “Lord I
believe in my heart and confess with
my mouth that Jesus is Lord and
that God raised Him from the dead,
Amen.” Or something similar.
of Christ and the power that God
exercised when He raised Him from
the dead. The Holy Spirit does this
when the true gospel is preached. As
someone who has found love cannot
help but tell friends similarly someone
to whom the Lordship of Christ is
revealed cannot help speaking about
Do we need to tell a drowning person
what to say to raise an alarm? Similarly
we do not need to tell a person
who has been truly impacted by the
gospel and has met Christ what they
need to say. Continue reading and
you will notice that the Scripture says,
“...whoever calls on the name of the
Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13
Notice God chose to use the word
‘call’. To call is to: say something in
a loud voice, especially in order to
attract someone’s attention. The one
who is impacted by the gospel is
liken to a drowning person because
they have discovered that they are
being pulled down to their death by
their sins. As a drowning person calls
for help so this sinner calls on God
the only one who can save them.
The answer to both questions is
‘no’. Scripture does not outline a
sinner’s prayer and repeating such a
prescribed prayer is not the indication
that someone has passed from death The man made ‘sinner’s prayer’
differs fro m what Scripture says in
into life.
that one is dictated while the other
Scripture does tell us what the signs flows naturally and spontaneously
of salvation are and what people from the heart. The Scripture speaks
who are saved will do. Repeating a of a confession that is an overflow
prescribed prayer is not one. The from a heart that is full of a new found
sinner’s prayer is a human construct faith in Jesus. This faith is explosive If meeting Christ and being born
designed to hustle great numbers in nature. It is powered by the Holy again of His Spirit wasn’t powerful
of people into the Kingdom so Spirit‘s revelation of the Lordship enough to activate
Continued on pg 32
January - March 2018