Vo l u m e 6 - I s s u e 1
About Us
Tracing The Truth
Where do we draw the line?
We are now living
In a world of
redefined values and
attitudes that have
destabilised society on foundational issues
that were once based on fixed principles
such as: Marriage, Gender, Sexuality and
“We have sacrificed the truth and clarity on
the altar of human autonomy.” What do you
do when there is no standard, no rules, no
absolutes, no guard rails, no barriers? What
do you do when there is no formula or
standard of deviation? We know truth exists
but we choose to ignore it if we can’t get what
we want. Everyone does what seems right in
their own eyes. If all do as they see fit without
due consideration of its consequences how
sustainable is this?
determined by laws passed by Judicial review
but without national consensus. Western
culture is now one of confusion - no clear
moral guidelines. Preference, choice and
instant gratification is exalted over principle
and truth.
The fallacy of freedom
Free speech doesn’t mean the right to abuse
people who don’t agree with you. When did
being cruel and unkind become so popular?
Today, especially on social media it is
increasingly acceptable.
Millennial men express new found freedom
showing a growing interest in cosmetic
surgery. That is also closely followed by
a trendy obsession with feminine clothes,
high end designers are now putting men in
‘feminised’ clothes claiming to be breaking
men out of a box. Male rompers, lace, see
through shorts is the latest controversial
trend. I ask you readers if a cow is a COW
AND A BULL is a bull, where is the box as
long as the cow and the bull are allowed to
function as they were designed to?
The problem is when everyone who is a law
unto himself clashes with each other how
do we deal with the spate of aggression
and violence? The ‘hero complex’ fills the
vacuum in times of crisis; we look for a ‘man
of steel’ and a ‘wonderwoman’ to swoop in
What does Gender neutrality
and save the day. Usually our politicians who
fail us repeatedly as they have no moral core
Instead of telling the truth that men and
or clear vision for tomorrow either.
women are functionally different by design
we try to turn men into women and vice
Alternative facts? Post truth?
Where objective reason and facts are replaced versa, humanity is made subjugated to a race
by appeals to emotion in shaping public of neutralised beings. How are we meant to
opinion this mind set elevates personal function, who is guiding us through this new
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