are like
Defined By Name
Identity and definition for some
is easily discovered as the code
lies in the names. For others, it is
more complicated. What are
the meanings of the names you
have given to your children? Do
you have a Word from the Lord?
Have you taken time to ask God
for guidance? Children are His
Defined by Nature
Children who are fortunate to be
planted in naturally supportive
environment tend to be more
confident. Therefore, confidence
in children can be developed
when the support systems into
which they are exposed regard
them, appreciate their person and
cater to their individuality. That is,
conscious efforts are required to
plan for, guide, educate, provide
stimulation and opportunities for
children to evolve regardless of
how different they are from you
or anyone else. Genuine support
and celebration of who they are
will cement confidence in children.
Let them be…
Children, like flowers, are built
to bloom. They will bloom!
Depending on the environment,
some will bloom sooner than later,
however, they all will bloom. When
children are in their bloom, many
may not be able to handle the
fragrance; the attention and even
the beauty. Adults, caregivers and
policy-makers can be limited and
find it challenging to dedicate the
time to research, to pray, the time
to listen and the energy necessary
to support the bloom.
Learn the Art of Coaching
which propels them to higher
dimensions. Coaching helps to
improve performance, skills, gifts,
character, ideas, creativity and just
about anything you can imagine.
Since coaching is relational, it
has the potential to stimulate the
development of confidence as
other traits are learnt.
Coaches are there regardless
of the outcome or result. More
effort is placed on the process
than the result. This knowledge
removes or causes the dwindling
of trepidation and gives rise to
confidence in children.
Children have a lot to say.
conversations will require that you
make every effort to educate
yourself in the areas that are of
interest to them. Equip yourself as
well to deal with their challenges.
This way you can connect when
you converse and they will know
that you are interested in what
they are passionate about.
Passion improves confidence. I
have heard it said that if you talk
to plants they will flourish. The
same is true about children. Talk
deeply with them. Make it an
agenda item daily and see how
they flourish.
So much goes on daily that
if it was up to us we would
scarcely breathe. It may seem
overwhelming and you wonder
if you could take up the task of
raising confident children. It is
possible. You might not need to
do more than you are already
doing. Probably, you need to be
intentional about what you are
doing. It could also mean that
just small tweaks are needed to
achieve the desired result. Please,
let us do this. Confident children
are needed worldwide. p
By Natasha Francis Campbell
Educator, Psalmist, Author,
Life Coach, Literacy Expert,
Wife, Mother and Servant
April - June 2018